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garden design ideas

3 Top Garden Trends For 2025

With a new year just around the corner, now’s the perfect time to think about what you’d like to achieve for your homes and gardens in 2025 and beyond… so we thought we’d count down some of the top emerging trends in landscape and garden design for the next 12 months.

Which of these will you try first?

  1. Mycelium

If you’re looking for a sustainable and eco-friendly construction material for your outdoor spaces, there’s a growing trend for using mycelium to get the job done. Mycelium is part of the mushroom root system, made up of tiny threads called hyphae.

As well as using it for various construction applications in the form of blocks, bricks or panels, you can also use mycelium to support healthy plant growth and natural ecosystems, facilitating nutrient exchange, water retention, erosion prevention and more.

  1. Rain gardens

With climate change expected to bring more frequent bouts of extreme weather like heavy rainfall and flooding, building resilience into your outdoor spaces is certainly wise – and rain gardens are a great way to do just that.

These gardens feature a shallow area of ground that can collect rainwater runoff from roofs and other hard landscaped areas in the garden, filled with plants that are capable of withstanding waterlogging very successfully, with more drought-tolerant plants positioned around the edges.

Other linking elements can also be included, such as ponds, water butts and stormwater planters.

  1. Cottagecore

The cottagecore trend for interiors has long been popular, but now it’s being extended to our outdoor areas and coming to life in the garden, as well. To get the look, aim to bring in elements like wild flowers in abundance, a kitchen garden, somewhere cosy to gather with friends, materials like natural stone paving, summer houses and so on.