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What To Start Planting In March

We’re nearing the end of February now, which means the weather is hopefully going to cheer up a little and we’ll all be able to get out and about in our gardens a little bit more.

All sorts of flowers can be planted in March and now’s the perfect time to start thinking about what you want your garden to look like. Gardening enthusiasts may well already know about the plight of the bumblebee and the fact that wildflowers are in decline… these flowers enable bees and other pollinators to thrive and without them they will continue to struggle.

But you can help them by sowing annual wildflower mixes from next month, making sure that you prep the soil properly and remove any weeds, as well as raking over the ground. There are all sorts of benefits to having wildflowers – as well as helping to sustain lots of wildlife, they’re good composters and can also help with water filtration.

Wildflowers are very hardy and you don’t need to look after them as much as you might do other flowers. Remember that you may not see much going on in the first year after you sow them, but soon you’ll have a stunning flourishing wildflower garden to enjoy.

Or you could also sow some sweet peas somewhere outside and other hardy annuals like cornflowers, clarkia and California poppies, all of which can be sown directly into the soil. Sweet peas would be another very pretty addition to your garden and the good news is that they’re easy to grow so perfect for anyone just starting out where gardening is concerned.

Most sweet peas are very highly scented so if you’re keen to have a fragrant garden, these would be a great choice. And don’t forget that you can have the fun of picking them and putting them in some vases around the house so the inside can smell as lovely as the outside.

As for California poppies, these very cheerful flowers can also be sown at this time of year and it’s easy to grow – you should see it flowering in a matter of weeks after planting, so if you want to see some results quickly, you’re sure to love these little flowers.

Sow them directly into prepared ground and then repeat this between April and May for plants that mature and flower for months… a beautiful garden that will be sure to bring a smile to your face week after week.

Of course, you may not always have the time to look after your garden or you may need help with bigger jobs in the future. If so, get in touch with Wirral landscaping services LW Landscapes to see how we can help.