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What To Do In The Garden In June

We’re finally seeing some lovely warm weather and lots of sunshine this month after one of the wettest Mays on record – so no doubt you’re all out and about in the garden, making the most of it and soaking up some well-earned rays.

June is a fantastic month for gardening enthusiasts and there’s a huge amount to do over the next few weeks.

Watering is key right now, so make sure you’re checking plants daily and watering them if dry, particularly if you’ve planted new shrubs and fruit trees. Keep a water butt outside to harvest rainwater, as well, so you can reduce your reliance on mains water supplies.

You can also help your plants get enough to drink by keeping on top of your weeding, making sure they get all the water, light and nutrients they need to stay happy and healthy.

Where your flower beds are concerned, now’s the time to thin out your annuals if they’re overcrowded, as well as dead-heading roses if they’re repeat flowering, picking your sweet peas, harvesting your lavender for baking or garnish, and cutting back yoru geraniums towards the end of the month if they’ve finished flowering.

As for your vegetable patch, you can start harvesting any salad crops and resowing every few weeks so you have a constant supply. 

Protect your crops using horticultural fleece and look out for yellowing leaves on onion and garlic, as this means they’re both ready to harvest. If you’re growing tomatoes, look out for side shoots and pinch these out so you can pot them up and grow new plants.

As for your lawn, raise the mower blades if there hasn’t been a lot of rain, as this will reduce stress on the grass. Use a lawn fertiliser and weed killer when it’s warm, as weeds love good weather and you don’t want them taking over.


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